Poorly Dressed


It's That New Leather Smell

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Hold Your Hand Up to the Sign...

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Via Daily Picks and Flicks

This is One DJ That's Not Afraid to Go to The Roots

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For a Certain Kind of Boy...

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We Don't Take Kindly to Athletic Footwear Around Here

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A Helpful Reminder

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Via bmwhd

You've Been Warned! (And Toddlers, You've Been Exempted!)

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Via Busted Locals FB Page

A Toast to That!

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Via Epic Ponyz

Troo Gangstas

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As Far as Dress Codes Go, It's Fairly Lenient

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Via Izismile

What Kind of Establishment Are We Talking About Here?

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Sport? Not Exactly. Men's? Sure, Why Not?

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Via Birdbath9k

What's REALLY Being Classified Here?

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Via jeepers13

For the Bride Who Doesn't Actually Want to Be Seen?

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Via chinchillazilla54

Truth in Advertising

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Merber shers bern wit ert

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