Poorly Dressed


Lego my Eggo! Lego are one of the world's most successful toys, and probably a big reason behind games like Minecraft. Building blocks that allowed us to build fantastic scenes and epic battles that kept us occupied for hours. So take a trip back to childhood, or your basement now, and enjoy these hilarious lego memes puns and jokes.

I Get All of My Style Ideas From Those Guys!

hair lego plastic - 6432052480
Via Reddit

LEGO Nail Win!

lego nails manicure win nail art poorly dressed - 8346579456
Via lostintranslation01

The Most Painful Shoes to Walk In

shoes lego sneakers - 7348652544

100% UV Protection

lego poorly dressed sunglasses - 8158650880
Via mattdanskin

Sacrifice LEGO in the Name of Fashion?

Via JacQueline Sanchez

Saw This Blockhead on the Slopes

lego skiing - 6943667712

As Long as They're Not LINED With Lego Bricks

lego shoes poorly dressed g rated - 8228509440
Via The Bored Ninja