Poorly Dressed


There's a hole lot of holes to look at, especially if you like donuts. If your a truly holey person, these hilarious hole puns and jokes will have you ditching your favorite stand-up and trying something new. So feast your eyes on what's there, or maybe what isn't, it's part of a hole.

But I Don't Know Where It's Been!

booty hole jeans no thanks - 5939397376

Make Good Use of That Chest Hair

christmas poorly dressed hole christmas sweaters chest hair googly eyes - 8403462144
Via Radass

Make That Chest Hair Work For You

poorly dressed bear hole t shirts chest hair g rated - 8381504000
Via Raaronl

I Can Think of At Least One Way These Pants Can Be Useful

butt heart hole - 4820050688

Time to Retire These Jeans

hole jeans poorly dressed ripped g rated - 8313933312
Via @meg4npritch4rd

The Stomach Window Just Adds To The Classiness

hole revealing stomach wedding dress - 5968145408

On the Bright Side, You Always Know Where Your Sword Is

hole piercing piercings sword - 5907453184

Close Enough

poorly dressed mask hole - 8421005568
Via your_evil_coworker

The Ultimate Ripped Jeans

jeans poorly dressed hole ripped g rated - 8291742208
Via zohbugg

Viewing Window - Now You Know What Lies Beneath

hole pants torn - 6001145600

That Perfect "Distressed" Look Will Cost You...

poorly dressed hole t shirts overpriced g rated - 8319378176
Via Pamtastic

Problem Solved!

Via Izismile

Nice Cats

poorly dressed sweater hole Cats - 8428147968
Via Rakuten

Not Sure if I Need a Tailor or an Exorcist

sock hole - 6659181312