Poorly Dressed

g rated

Where to Begin...

lights poorly dressed g rated - 8024923648

What's the Weirdest Fashion Trend YOU'VE Ever Witnessed?

poorly dressed trends g rated - 8428153856
Via patheticjunkies

Some Color/Pattern Combinations Don't Belong on Panties...

panties poorly dressed g rated - 8291742976
Via Urban Outfitters

Be a True Friend

sweatshirt friends uggs poorly dressed g rated - 7013348096

Bovine Hairstyles Require a Full Night's Rest

cow comic poorly dressed g rated - 7847244032

Need a Hand?

bewbs cleavage g rated help poorly dressed - 6423708928
Via Laughing Squid

The Highest Compliment

poorly dressed t shirts g rated - 8332707584
Via theCHIVE

Wow Troy Polamalu was right!

animals g rated hair lions poorly dressed - 5554385408

Enjoy Shopping, Sheeple

wtf costume funny poorly dressed g rated - 7801395968

Your Perfect Thanksgivukkah Sweater

fashion hanukkah thanksgiving sweater poorly dressed g rated - 7921694976

She Needs a Hat

Via Izismile

On Second Thought, Still Creepy

huge poorly dressed g rated - 7782930432

Every Week is Shark Week with This Sweater

fashion animals shark sweater g rated poorly dressed - 7890586368

One Fierce Backpack

poorly dressed backpack g rated - 8075515648
Via sputnik_PECTOPAH

We Know What We're Doing

bikini underwear poorly dressed g rated - 6991653376


hair beards poorly dressed g rated - 7316428800