Poorly Dressed

captain america

Dressed to Win: He's All the Superheroes

batman captain america superheroes wolverine - 5423576064

Target Placement Level: Jackass

captain america costume - 6563371008
Created by Unknown

For Your Everyday Cosplay

cosplay poorly dressed captain america - 8410094592
Via ThinkGeek

Cosplay Fail

cosplay costume captain america poorly dressed - 6943269888

Dress For the Job You Want

captain america coworkers monday thru friday poorly dressed work g rated - 8115043328
Via GhostalMedia

Who's Going to Avenge Fashion?

hoodie captain america - 6920770560

Your Shield Can't Help You Now

FAIL captain america - 7683310592

Captain 'Murica Gets a Star Wars Shirt

star wars captain america superheroes funny - 7454709248
Via fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net

Furry Captain America

captain america fur furry suit super heroes - 6010214912

Assemble, BUT ON A BUDGET!

avengers captain america cosplay g rated Hall of Fame hulk iron man poorly dressed Thor - 6250561280