Parenting Fails


Revenge Time

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Via Lunar Baboon
Dad refuses to accept defeat, so an amusement park employee takes their petty revenge | r/pettyrevenge u/TheGreatPinoy 2y Join work at an amusement park, guests are rude but here's my favourite story work at an amusement park and run games there ones people always assume are rigged but reality just really hard. At my amusement park however have hockey game has 4 targets and have try and hit those targets 60 seconds get prize depending on fast can hit all four. Anyways, this family walks up

Dad Refuses To Accept Defeat, Amusement Park Employee Goes Full Petty

A good old Canadian amusement park.
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Girl, Don't Go Away Mad

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Tenant refuses to pay the rent, so the landlords proceed to take her to court | r/ProRevenge Join u/MrTyroneTheCat 2y Should've just paid rent So this is story about my parents around 7 or 8 years ago barely leaving elementary school really young and my parents kept my sister and dark at time but they later told gist happened. First thing first, my parents owned two houses. They decided keep old house they bought new one so they could rent out old house decent area but on edge not so good part

Tenant Refuses To Pay Rent, Parents Take Tenant To Court

Beautiful touch with the taco cart.
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Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold

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Ellie's Mom Does not Handle Spaghetti Sauce Well

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Dad uses his big boat to take revenge on a couple jerks at the lake | r/pettyrevenge Join u/WebberWoods 3y s free lake, isn't This happened couple years ago at my parents' cottage. This cottage community used be pretty sparsely populated and felt pretty remote back 60s my Dad kid. These days 's completely built up and feels more like subdivision with water between houses instead roads sunny summer Saturday can get really busy. My Dad, however, still likes go up there quiet relaxing experience

Dad Uses Big Boat To Take Revenge On Lake Scoundrels

Never mess with the bigger boat.
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Girl Scout Seals

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CASH 4 Revenge!

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Mom gets tricked into praising her kid's cooking skills | r/pettyrevenge u/ThrowRA-Barber Tricked my mom into finally admitting my cooking good been enrolled cooking school over year and my mom, she's never been supportive. Because dropped out nursing program get into cooking school. She's always making snide comments about should've been nurse or lawyer, or only ever be subservient housewife with this, and do make something, she always crizicizes Like she's Gordon Ramsay or something

Mom Gets Tricked Into Praising Kid's Cooking

Mom got blindsided.
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French stepmom complains and leaves no tip, doesn't get breakfast | Posted by u/AQuietBorderline 14 hours ago E 27e10 3 13 E 13 My French Stepmother Learns Hard Way Americans Can Cook oc XL This happened today and my brother and are still are laughing about except Gabrielle (said stepmother) and Dad (who is embarrassed Dad came into town visit my brother (let's call him Mark) and few days and brought Gabrielle with him. Gabrielle has her good traits but she does have this one really nasty trait.

Entitled Stepmom's A Monster To Diner Staff, Kids Take Revenge

Here's your fancy breakfast, lady.
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Now It's Personal

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Created by chickenplz
A mean step mom uses all the family's water, so she gets all her bottled water used | r/pettyrevenge Join u/bubonicplagiarism 9h ?1 Wicked witch water Not too long ago were grip one worst droughts have ever seen. Many old timers said worst they'd ever seen so yeah bad live on rainwater catch off house and shed roof and store tanks. At this time 's been well over 18 months since last time rained, so are buying water stock and being very, very frugal with our water ration house.

Careless Step Mom Learns Her Lesson

Got her good.
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