FAIL Nation

you had one job

You had one job to do.... Just one... And you blew it. So as you're pondering the mishaps and misdeeds that led you here, take solace in and enjoy some other people who really made a mess of things by screwing up just a simple job. You're not as alone as you think.

And I Bet You're Full of "Recycling" Too!

you had one job - 7267824128
Via Reddit

Welcome to the Drunk Train!

train sign you had one job - 8175182080
Via shreken

Arm Sleeves: Ruined

fashion you had one job clothes - 7130948864

This Isn't the Healthiest Way to Diet

pizza you had one job food fail nation g rated - 7094517248

Cross Derp

you had one job cars driving funny - 7607955200

This Isn't Exactly the Cheeseburger You Expected

you had one job cheeseburger food fail nation g rated - 7086004992

This Will Bug Us Forever, Always

annoying you had one job ocd fail nation g rated - 8426093568
Via tom_beale

Way to Be, Fan

design you had one job fan genius funny - 7415506688
Via Reddit

The Streets are on Fire!

news you had one job weather funny fail nation g rated - 7667825408
funny unprofessional not my job moments | truck dragging towing an upside down car behind it | swirly white markings on a road

"Not My Job" Moments of Quality Unprofessionalism

Good enough
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Put it on Your Tacos!


Nice Effort!

candy you had one job vending machine skittles funny - 7667835648

Two Names, Twice the FAIL

news you had one job name - 7074776064
Funny pics of people who failed at their one job | pipe going through a stone wall spilling water on a bench | DENTIST ASSAULT Suspect Firstname Lastname News suspect photo

29 Cringey Times People Tried And Failed At Their One Job

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It's Technically an Above-Ground Pool Now

flooding funny whoops pool you had one job g rated fail nation - 7913537792

Dude, You Know Those Things Have a Stick, Right?

food doing it wrong ice cream you had one job - 8397956096
Via Bobik42
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