FAIL Nation


Now the Ladder Comes With the Home

ladder whoops - 7980596992
Via Reddit

The Trains in Mumbai Are Accidentally Giving Passengers a Free Shower

whoops train g rated fail nation - 8244255744
Via americanorkscrew

The Wheels on the Bus Go KLUNK KLUNK KACHUNK

whoops wheels cars funny bus fail nation g rated - 7652276480
Created by geha714

A Rare Screw-Up in a Marine Drill

gif whoops military - 7936932608

This Guy is One Sorry Bloke

whoops cars bad day cement - 7094514432

Some Assembly and Translation Required

engrish whoops translation fail nation g rated - 8404588032
Via smacksaw

Doggie Door FAIL

animals dogs whoops - 5876785664
Created by Unknown

The Magical Disappearing Mechanic!

ouch whoops gifs cars fail nation - 8375579904
Via Bits and Pieces
sports whoops high school football Video - 66948865

A Heartbreaker for a High School Football Team Who Thought They Won it All

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Nobody Likes a Dingleberry

whoops toilet paper bathroom - 7174108416

It was a Typo, but We All Know This is What Weddings Are Really About

whoops typo wedding spelling g rated fail nation - 8313152768
Via thisisdream
sports whoops FAIL TV alex rodriguez football Video - 75139073

On His First Day at Fox Sports, A. Rod Breaks a TV Screen

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Tripping Out FAIL

atv cars driving kids parenting whoops - 6597286912

Mind if We Park This Here?

trees whoops home improvement DIY g rated fail nation - 8303400192
Via LorienStrawberries

The Puddle Would Have Been the Better Option

whoops gifs cars fail nation g rated - 8310476544
Via jdk
ouch skateboarding whoops tacos Video - 70229505

Things Get a Little too Gnarly When a Skateboarding Taco Goes Head-First into Traffic

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