FAIL Nation


Expecto Umbrellum!

Via 32lpr4

That Will Definitely Keep You Dry

Via java99e

Expecto Patronumbrella

classic fail gif Expecto Patronumbrella
Via ufp

If Only it Could Keep Your Whole Head Dry...

umbrella youre-doing-it-wrong facepalm fail nation g rated - 8202710272
Via Bits and Pieces

Should Have Brought a Larger Umbrella

ouch umbrella bike funny - 7652456704

The Result of a Tragic WWE Accident?

chair umbrella youre-doing-it-wrong fail nation g rated - 8228553216
Via harris0n11

Needs To Listen To More Rihanna FAIL

common sense rihanna stupidity umbrella - 5454372608
Created by ambey99

Somebody Needs an Umbrella Tutorial

umbrella genius funny - 7634834432
Via Cubicle Bot