FAIL Nation


Cruising Into That 3-Day Weekend

Via Krullie

Such Beautiful Synchronization!

ouch gif animation bike fail nation g rated - 7241342208

If You and Your Buddy Are Trying to Impress a Party, Definitely Figure Out Who's Going First

Via DieHard75

Tell Us Wrestling is All Fake After Seeing a Dude Get Slammed into LEGO

ouch gif lego fail nation wrestling - 7782598144

Fly Free... Oh No

Via Meduza

When You're Having a Good Weekend and Then Boom, Monday

Just a Little Love-Tap

gif boop driving funny parking fail nation g rated - 7710577408

That's a Lot of Skinned Knees Right There

ouch skateboarding gif funny - 7757991168

This Was Bound to End Up Poorly

ouch gif gymnastics right in the crotch funny - 7626219264

The Map Says to Follow That Rock to the Faceplant

Via F**kYehFortPants

When You're Packaging isn't as Clever as Your Product

Via TheBlondeSwede

The First Escalator in Uzbekistan is Causing Some Issues

ouch gif escalators fail nation - 7954096640

Wall Ride FAIL

ouch gif bikes funny - 7874572288

Having Moves Too Slick is a Classic Mistake

dance FAIL gif classic - 8795300608
Created by tamaleknight

Rob Ford is the Politician That Keeps on Giving (the FAIL)

gif uproxx rob ford funny g rated fail nation - 7907311616
Via Uproxx

Trash Can: 1. Child: 0.

ouch gif brothers - 7246336512
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