FAIL Nation


This is What an American Keyboard Looks Like

computers tumblr america - 7856684288

Today's Special Event: RAM Installation!

sign computers crash bsod - 8276562944
Created by Unknown

Good Luck Getting That Sold, Friend

computers for sale facebook funny - 7734935552

Portability FAIL

apple common sense computers wtf - 5702801152
Via Reddit

We've All Been There, Gas Pump

computers gas station whoops Sad - 8329491712
Via Acid Cow

Windows, Stop and Take a Few Deep Breaths

error computers windows fail nation g rated - 7498372608
Via Geeks Are Sexy

What's the Wi-Fi Password Here?

computers train - 8220631808
Created by beernbiccies

Product Display FAIL

bsod computers Professional At Work - 5704878080
Created by Unknown

Cannot Retrieve Soda, Please Restart and Try Again

computers vending machine crash funny - 7559706112
Via Reddit

Hold Shift to Restart This Building

computers crash funny fail nation g rated - 7545362176
Via Reddit

Promises in the Tech World Are Hard to Keep

computers nostalgia technology funny monday thru friday g rated - 7463730176
Via Reddit

Billboard FAIL

billboard computers windows crash bsod - 7036717056