

When the Moon hit's your eye like a big pizza pie you're blind Copernicus you got hit by a celestial body the size of Australia right in the face. 

Feeling Lunar Tonight?

whoops moon Astronomy burn - 8341364480

Wow, The Soler Systum R So Mysteiruos

moon planets new zealand solar system failbook g rated - 7310770688

But What If It Were Made of Barbecue Spare Ribs, Would You Eat It Then?

the moon looks beautiful because it's a tortilla
Via savannimalz

It's Just Hiding, That's All!

photography moon facepalm sun - 8284255744
Created by anonymous

Danny Has Some Thirsty Insights

Danny Has Some Thirsty Insights
Via supahighposts

If I Were Neil Armstrong...

Aliens moon dead moon landing neil armstrong - 6755827200
Created by The_Waiting

Did Someone... Like... Put It Up in the Sky?

clouds moon geography funny space - 7456425728


months moon oh snap - 3239619584
Created by Unknown

Going Beyond the Flat Earth Conspiracy, the Moon is Flat Too

nasa flat earth FAIL moon facepalm facebook science space - 8747600896

Checkmate, Atheists

i dont want to live on this planet anymore moon atheists planets solar system earth failbook g rated - 6172934400

Remember That Other Moon We Have?

moon facepalm fake hoax Astronomy science failbook - 8300037888
Via John_Unfil

Philosophy FAIL

moon sun truth - 5169998080
Created by Unknown

Quote of the Day: "Shoot for the Moon"

comic copypasta moon - 4753743616

Earth Planted its Flag on the Moon Years Ago, Wise Up!

Via mrbends
twitter moon parody science - 1139973

The Internet Simply Refuses to Take the Supermoon Seriously

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Somebody Activate the Moon-Signal!

spring moon Astronomy superheroes - 8465433600
Created by Unknown
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