

I Bet No One's Ever Thought of That Before!

Text - There Is a way we can inhabit mars! I have the perfect idea, I can't believe nobodies followed trough with it! So, we fly up to mars, plant a couple trees, then the trees make air! Then we can breath on mars! deLike Comment

He Likes to Space Travel in His Spare Time, Get Over It

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Know Your Solar System

Text - E 02-UK 20:41 Comments News Feed Like When chocolate bars were being named, the solar system featured heavily. Mars, Galaxy, Milky Way... strange that Uranus didn't make it 10 minutes ago via Selective Tweets Galaxy and Milky Way are not in the solar system and I'm sure Uranus has seen lots of chocolate bars-) 5 minutes ago Like
Created by IAmHoBo

Jordan, King of Mars

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Don't Know if Mars Has a Sun? Launch Yourself Into It and Find Out...

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We'd Have Country Clubs on Saturn! ... Wait...

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A Picture of Mars Is Worth a 100 Grand

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"Rover" Is Actually a Dog's name

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If You "Dodnt" Finish, Maybe Don't Comment!

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Myth Busted

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Lonely Rover

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Looks Like You've Got a Bad Case of the Rover

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