

Jesus is a figure in ancient history that is the focal point of one of the largest religions in the world. So it's natural tat any number of jokes and memes come out of a being so famous and well-known. From RaptorJesus to classic memes, there's something for everyone for the father of Christianity.

Let's Just Be Friends

jesus friends - 7903725312
Created by CthulhuCultist

Like If You're Breathing!

africa jesus Kony like satan - 6172937216

God Math

jesus math religion water - 5107234816
Created by Unknown

Jesus, Is That You?

jesus - 7816283648

The King of Rock

Via Tumblr

I Don't Think That's What Jesus Would Do

driving jesus - 6269108736
Created by Unknown

Easter Tribute

easter jesus religion - 6064682240
Created by Unknown

And I Thought Getting Nailed to a Cross by Your HANDS Was Bad Enough ...

faith jesus religion typo - 6313801216

Yo Luke, I Need a Good Rapper Name! Any Ideas?

jesus jesus christ - 6568008960

He's BFF of Bluntman and Chronic

kevin smith, jesus, jay and silent bob, dolls
Via Lamebook


drama gossip jesus lent religion - 3207233792
Created by Unknown

There Was a Man Who Had a God ...

bingo jesus religion - 5162119168

"Father, Why Have They Forsaken M- Oh Hellloooo There"

jesus fap design tattoos - 8380951040
Via Duck_Seazon

That's What They Say

jesus gay marriage failbook - 7187636224
Created by Unknown

Good Friday Nights

easter jesus religion failbook - 6077180672

Cheated the Cashier Out of Ten Bucks. PRAISE JESUS!

stealing jesus - 6677659648