Engrish Funny


Keep Very Far Away From Pleasure

dishwasher instructions salt - 4772162048

One At A Time Is Going To Take FOREVER

food instructions noodles - 4768126208
Created by Armanchik

Sometimes I Occasionary Leave The Pot Coveded

food instructions ramen - 4694830592
Created by pamzella

I Had No Idea!

instructions - 4698417920
Created by 54kayten

Calculator Flush Beats A Full House

instructions - 4628989696

Please Keep Your Ears Attached For The Duration Of The Film

instructions warning - 4645533696

It Does What It Wants!

engrish instructions WoW - 4609608960
Created by Yarnsh

Just Jam It In There!

engrish instructions sign - 4611340288
Created by Unknown

Friendly Elastic

instructions - 4174208000

Put the sharp tool on the ocular for god's sake.

instructions warning - 3573180160
Created by TripleF

Or just try buttering him up

engrish instructions oil - 3307265280
Created by Bernie22405

So What Does It do Now?

engrish instructions microwave - 4474989312

Stop Helicopter Suffering Today

engrish helicopter instructions notice warning - 4530808320

Quit Touching Your Face!

face instructions - 4520745728

I've Been Doing It Wrong for YEARS

hat instructions wtf - 4519512320

I mean it! It's a drying dryer, no less.

dryer instructions - 3470015232