
text message

That's not my text message, is it? No, I couldn't have sent that?! You've definitely found yourself asking how something like that could have possibly come from your minuscule digital keyboard, but there it is, for all eternity. Check out some of the most hilarious text messages ever sent, and feel a little better about your own gaffs.

Let's Be Absolutely Certain

socially awkward penguin text message - 7017226496

Phantom Ring

AutocoWrecks g rated ringtone text message - 5888382976
Via Nanceeezy

Guess Who's Expecting!

pregnancy text message - 6842492160

Memebase: If You Think She's Not Going to Retaliate...

Memes sarcasm text message - 6153849600

Scribbling "LOL" on College-Ruled Notebook Paper

demotivational school text message texting - 5550971904

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