After 12


Lego my Eggo! Lego are one of the world's most successful toys, and probably a big reason behind games like Minecraft. Building blocks that allowed us to build fantastic scenes and epic battles that kept us occupied for hours. So take a trip back to childhood, or your basement now, and enjoy these hilarious lego memes puns and jokes.

Legolize It!

dispensary Legalize It lego los angeles marijuana - 6260248064
Via Known Gallery

Even LEGO Loves Oktoberfest

beer awesome lego funny after 12 g rated - 8325461248
Via Pimp My Bricks

LEGO Don't Drink Well

homer simpson beer moe lego the simpsons funny - 8186605056
Via R10t3r

LEGO People Love to Drink

beer lego funny wtf - 7960483840

There Was This Nice Little Pub on Endor

nothing like a nice pint after a storm trooper fights the rebel scum
Via I llinoisy

LEGOland Rum...

wtf lego Rum funny after 12 g rated - 7677965568

Where Do They Get Those Tiny Beers?

beer lego stormtrooper g rated - 7974345984

Lego Shot Glasses!

shot glasses lego awesome funny after 12 g rated - 8185311744
Via Geekologie

The Bat Monster’s Manhattan

lego funny cocktail - 7634490880

I Was So High I Couldn't Put This Together

awesome lego funny high after 12 - 8337170176
Via iStupid

LEGO Knows It's a Palm Leaf

lego weed funny after 12 g rated - 8386269952
Via Vicious 713

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