

Just What I Always Wanted!

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Via Liz Climo

At Least They Don't Expect Santa to Deliver

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Via Pleated Jeans

And That's Why Dad Has Twenty Ties

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Via Sarah's Scribbles
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Husband Hires 23 Artists to Make His Wife's Birthday Present

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Now That's a Good Present

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Via Seventys Kid

Thanks For the Gift...

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Via theBERRY

The Money Will be Perfect for Your Bail!

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Via Imgur

The Laziest Graduation Present Ever

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Via Reddit

But... I Wanted a Penguin...

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The Best White Elephant Gift

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Via Laughing Squid

Grandma Has a Love of Photos, and Sweet Cold Cash

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Created by anselmbe

Very Very Tense

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The Teacher Isn't Doing Her Job

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Created by Unknown

Happy Birthday!

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Getting to the Point WIN

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Spider-Man Present WIN

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