
Knitta Please

A Little Home-Made Fun for Him This Season

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Perfect, No One Will Suspect They Aren't Actual Reindeer

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Created by monamie

A Next Level Knitta

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Kick Off Your Shoes and Get a Nice Full Cup of 802.11n

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The Saddest Words Ever Printed

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Inspiration Courtesy of Adventure Time

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Via Etsy

This Entire Locomotive Got Yarn-Bombed!

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Via Laughing Squid

It's Dangerous to Go to Bed Without This Blanket

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Via Etsy

This Couch Surfing Adventure Won't End Well, I Think

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Via Reddit

The Lovecraftian Wish

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Created by Unknown

We All Have Our Weaknesses

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Knitting Like a True Champ

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Via Reddit

Knit Caps WIN

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Via Geeks Are Sexy

The Fluffiest Affirmation of Your Manliness

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Via Sad Days Crochet

Don't We All?

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Cross-Stitch WIN

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