

'Make me jump hoops, I jump ship': Potential hire laughs at manager during scrutinizing interview for a minimum wage job

'Make me jump hoops, I jump ship': Potential hire laughs at manager during scrutinizing interview for a minimum wage job

It seems like no matter what job you are applying for, the interview process is always excruciatingly long. Even if the job is a cashier at a gas station or a simple grocery store clerk, people will treat it like it is the most important job ever, and suddenly you are not even qualifying enough to get it. Is it really necessary for an employer to know a potential hire's weaknesses? If All they will be doing is bag groceries, what difference does it make? This is pretty much the point that this…
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Prospective employee withdraws his job application after being forced to take a bizarre personality test: 'Needless to say, the results are completely inaccurate'

'You just know that they were sitting around the corporate round table with those stupid grins, patting themselves on the back, remarking, "What a great idea!"'
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Karen-put-in-her-place, Karen-shutdown, epic-shutdown, satisfying-karen-shutdown, job-interview, new-job, new-hire

‘I ended up working at that place’: Random chef on lunch break gets accosted by restaurant's notorious Karen customer, impresses their head chef and gets hired

Sometimes a beautiful thing can blossom out of something horrible. For example, a higher-paying job can blossom from how you handle a Karen tantrum. Which is exactly what happened to this Redditor . She was enjoying her lunch at a restaurant she did not work at. She had interviewed with them, but it was too soon to know anything about that. She had only an hour for lunch from her actual chef job at a completely different restaurant, so was trying to down her food as fast as possible. All of a s…
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work workplace worker employee employees boss manager supervisor working recruiter recruited audacity audacious new-job hired hiring minimum-wage wage payday pay-cut

'I wasn't interested in taking a wage cut': Audacious recruiter guilt trips a prospective employee after offering him $6,000 less than his current wage

Who here works a full time job and is not interested in making any money? Nobody? No takers?! Exactly. The majority of the workforce isn't driven by passion, work-ethic, or altruism– we're driven by cold, hard cash. Anyone who says otherwise is either delusional or a professional recruiter. Although usually head hunters like to swoon their prey with pretty words and shiny pay-days, sometimes there's that dime-in-a-dozen recruiter that has the audacity to...
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work workplace coworker coworkers manager ceo boss c-level employee fired firing getting-fired termination terminated hired ceos nepotism nepobaby

'I can't wait for Monday': Exemplary employee gets fired by a nepo-baby manager; gets revenge by leaving behind a boobytrapped break room full of rotting trash

Top-tier employees usually go unnoticed by upper management. As a workforce, we go above and beyond to keep the company on its feet and it seems like the folks that reap the most benefits have the fewest qualifications. Nepotism ransacks corporations, leaving open the managerial positions for those with shared genetics with the C-level bosses, god-complexes, and an Associates Degree in Business.
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'She was employed there for 45 minutes': Boss accidentally loses tarantula-loving new hire after breaking her only request

'She was employed there for 45 minutes': Boss accidentally loses tarantula-loving new hire after breaking her only request

When you're the expert in your field, you can choose to be picky about what jobs you accept.
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'I was told I'd be making $15/hr, flat': Housekeeper blindsided by employer at resort after salary keeps changing

'I was told I'd be making $15/hr, flat': Housekeeper blindsided by employer at resort after salary keeps changing

How many red flags does one need before it's time to quit and run? Imagine going through an interview process and being told an hourly rate that you're comfortable with should you get the position. Then, you get said position and you're told the exact same number as you sign the contract. Now that the contract is signed and you're beginning to schedule your training, you're told a wildly different number by someone else. You contact your boss and they tell you not to worry about it. You move fo…
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'[Coworker] hasn't told him that he's leaving': Employee debates telling boss that coworker has found a new job

'[Coworker] hasn't told him that he's leaving': Employee debates telling boss that coworker has found a new job

A small-business employee is worried about what a coworker's sudden departure is going to mean for them. When you're on a small team, every absence is noticeable — someone's going to have to pick up the slack. But this guy wants to take things even further, by telling the boss what their coworker is planning. This person turned to r/AmItheA**hole before putting this plan into place. U/DPP_Toku is in an awkward position at their job. Their coworker, “G," is about to leave the company, but for so…
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‘You didn’t do your job, now you won't get one': Receptionist fails to make travel reservations for supervisor, supervisor opens her own company and refuses to hire her

‘You didn’t do your job, now you won't get one': Receptionist fails to make travel reservations for supervisor, supervisor opens her own company and refuses to hire her

People you work with will have certain expectations of you, and when given the opportunity, can cause a few inconveniences if and when you don't meet said expectations… in other words, people like to be petty. In this case, OP got as petty as petty can get, when she got a shot at making a former coworker's life a little harder than it needed to be. Back in the day, OP was working as a supervisor at a company, and her job included a lot of travel. There was a conference she needed to get to, so…
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'The most satisfying moment of my life': Data-entry worker fires a 'Florida Man' before he can finish his new hire paperwork

This new employee just didn't have what it took to succeed on an oil farm . One oil farm employee worked as a data entry specialist, and encountered this new worker who absolutely refused to take orders from her. Her “orders” were just filling out basic paperwork… but somehow this Florida Man thought that that was emasculating to him. Not to mention that the OP was just 17 years old at the time, which just gave this Florida Man more reason to be angry with her. As people in the comments noted,…
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‘You can’t discuss your pay': Manager tells employee they can't discuss wages with coworkers, employee reports them to HR and district manager

‘You can’t discuss your pay': Manager tells employee they can't discuss wages with coworkers, employee reports them to HR and district manager

It is not in a company's best interest to have their employees gather and hold a discussion about how much they are being paid, but it is certainly in the employee's best interest. Back when I was floor manager at a restaurant, I remember finding out that people who were way newer than I was at the job were getting about one dollar more than me. It doesn't really matter that it was one dollar (that adds up, by the way), it matters that this dollar is symbolic! Why should people who have fewer q…
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'Don't start a meeting by ending the meeting': Employee demands 20x their pay after boss accidentally fires them

Update: 'Don't start a meeting by ending the meeting': Employee demands 20x their pay after boss accidentally fires them

This boss tried to bluff , only for their employee to call them out on it. While things didn't go to plan for the boss, their employee, u/exie610, got some amazing revenge. Some managers have no respect for individual jobs. Instead, they'll insist that alongside your own job, you can also do the work of four or five other people. Why do one job excellently when you can do five jobs badly? At some companies, things are always run this way, either because the boss is a penny pincher, or because m…
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'[My] signed 20k contract is [...] nowhere to be found': HR tells employee that his sign-on bonus is $10K instead of $20K, all previous contract records erased

'[My] signed 20k contract is [...] nowhere to be found': HR informs employee that his signing bonus is $10K instead of $20K, all previous contract records erased

Always document everything!
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'I declined, obviously': Employee receives low-ball counter offer from current employer

When you receive an offer from a new employer, you may be incentivized to approach your current employer and see if they'll match the offer. After all—as we often discuss, your current employment is a known entity, and so it will often seem preferable to stay in the comforts of the known—rather than branch out into the unknown of the new role that is being offered. Usually, your current employer will come back with what they can reasonably offer, seeking to match the offer you've received. It's…
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unemployed unemployment employment interview interview-process interview-memes memes linkedin work-memes work relatable relatable-memes lol hiring hired youre-hired

'Why should we hire you?': Relatable Interview Memes for Resume Peddlers Wondering If Unemployment is Really All That Bad

With all of this bending-over-backwards, you really could use a rewarding massage instead of a 40+ hour work week.
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'My advice: Run'; Friendship implodes between employee and former colleague due to a shift in power dynamic, sparks discussion

'My advice: Run'; Friendship implodes between employee and former colleague due to a shift in power dynamic, sparks discussion

Welcome to the corporate world, where there is a ladder somewhere everybody is trying to climb and throw whatever relationships you thought had with the people there, because in here “it's just business” is the mentality. It's pretty upsetting, tbh. Millennials and Gen Z are working hard to dismantle this type of toxic workplace culture, but alas, it still seems to rear its ugly head all over professional situations. And it's even worse when the professional situation is with someone you consid…
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