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'They had their chance': Post-resignation, boss begs his employee to stay longer to train his replacement, gets denied

Managerial hubris is one of the reasons employees hate their jobs. Not only are we lacking in pay, but we are enslaved to the most incompetent group of overinflated bimbos who could easily be replaced by AI– at leas the replacement would be more charismatic. But these types of managers will deny your raise and then come begging for your help. Which is it? Do you value my hard work or not?
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The Valentine's Day Cringes You Ordered Are Here

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We're All the Same

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Via galaxysnail

When a Dude is So Desperate He'll Buy Even a "Land Water Polo Team" Excuse

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Via cashmaneh

Coming On Too Strong

Via bitsandpieces

The Real Deal

Via fkatwigs

Desperate to Make a Sale

Via @remaxwesterncan

His Life Was Never the Same

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Via Yodiscrepo

Pretty Much Every Dating Profile I've Made

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Desperate Much?

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Created by Unknown

I'm Willing to Pay for Love, But I Ain't Desperate!

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You Sure Sound Pretty Desperate

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Looking for a Date on Facebook is Like Trying to Drive a Car Without an Engine

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The Housing Market Is Getting Desperate

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What Everyone Wishes

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